Court Métrage SF Videos 

« Urbance » – An Animated Sci-Fi Short Presented by DUST

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: In a future where sex kills and interaction between men and women is strictly regulated what will people risk to feel the pleasure of real intimate human contact? « Urbance » by Joel dos Reis Viegas & Sebastien Larroude have created a dystopian world where a disease has caused sex to be fatal. Can people really deny their urges? Want to know more? Check out their website: This animated short is a pilot that was the result of a successful Kickstarter campaign.…

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Court Métrage SF Videos 

« Where the Shadows Fall » Short Film – DUST Exclusive Premiere

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: « Where the Shadows Fall » a film by Kate Phillips – In a sparse post-apocalyptic world a man’s grief leads him on a path towards danger and disappointment. The world is dead. Its only inhabitants are loners and wanderers, people whose purposes in life remain unfulfilled. They linger on in an empty and bleak world. Some embrace the anarchy, while others continue to seek resolution and meaning. The Man is one of these. His search is for his family, a wife…

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Court Métrage SF Videos 

Sci-fi Short Film « Falling Apart » presented by DUST

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: « Falling Apart » – Writer / Producer / Director: TJ Hundtofte / Crawford Anderson-Dillon & Thomas Hefferon / Thomas Hefferon & TJ Hundtofte 2nd place winner at the 2013 Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Film Challenge. Written, shot, edited and scored in less than 48 hours.The filmmakers were given a random title (« FALLING APART »), a random line of dialogue (« Fame is fleeting, baby, but legends live forever ») and a random prop/action (A mug of steaming liquid – a character sniffs the hot liquid…

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Court Métrage SF Videos 

Sci-Fi Short Film “Glow” presented by DUST

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: « Glow » by Douglas Jessup In the middle of nowhere in a small motel a mysterious trio’s arrival comes with strange electrical phenomena. What are they waiting for, and what will the suspicious motel owner do about it? DUST: Binge-watchable Sci-fi DUST is the first multi-platform destination for binge watchable sci-fi. We feature science fiction short films and other content from emerging filmmakers with stunning visual effects, captivating plots and complex character explorations. Robots, aliens, space exploration, technology, and human experience are…

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Fun Videos Zapping 

[Zap Télé] REPOST : LES TORCHE-CULS DE LA TÉLÉVISION ! (repost du 01/11/16)

ATTENTION : Ceci est le Zap Télé du 01/11/16, supprimé pour atteinte aux droits d’auteur nous vous le rendons à nouveau disponible sous la forme d’une version raccourcie. — Un spermatozoïde pour Halloween, Cucurtabassé, Les expositions coloniales ou l’apprentissage du racisme, Néo-colonialisme : quand les industriels prennent la Terre pour un jeton de poker, Jean-Michel Apathie nous alerte sur les salaires bien trop bas des politiques, Nicolas Domenach fait du « journalisme de combat rapproché » grâce aux cocktails payés par le contribuable, Un reporter de 13 ans couvre les combats d’Alep…

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Court Métrage SF Videos 

Sci-Fi Short Film – « Hyper-Reality » presented by DUST

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST: « Hyper-Reality » by Keiichi Matsuda Keiichi Matsuda’s « Hyper-Reality » takes a look at what life could be like for people in a world altered by augmented reality. Does the technology help your life or trap you in a lonely virtual prison full of clutter and confusion? DUST: Binge-watchable Sci-fi DUST is the first multi-platform destination for binge watchable sci-fi. We feature science fiction short films and other content from emerging filmmakers with stunning visual effects, captivating plots and complex character explorations. Robots, aliens,…

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Fun Videos Zapping 


Un spermatozoïde pour Halloween, Cucurtabassé, Les expositions coloniales ou l’apprentissage du racisme, Néo-colonialisme : quand les industriels prennent la Terre pour un jeton de poker, Jean-Michel Apathie nous alerte sur les salaires bien trop bas des politiques, Nicolas Domenach fait du « journalisme de combat rapproché » grâce aux cocktails payés par le contribuable, Un reporter de 13 ans couvre les combats d’Alep en Syrie, La télévision et la politique ne font plus qu’un, Nicolas Bedos n’a pas aimé que Karine Lemarchand passe du Scorpions sur l’interview de Marine le Pen, Psychose…

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