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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Minions Big Kevin Offical TV (Universal Pictures) HD

Own it on Blu-ray and DVD now: Follow the Minions on Facebook at Visit the website The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to Napoleon—the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he—alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Minions – Number One (Universal Pictures) HD

Own it on Blu-ray and DVD now: Follow the Minions on Facebook at Visit the website The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to Napoleon—the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he—alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Minions – Official Trailer 3 (Universal Pictures) HD

Own it on Blu-ray and DVD now: Follow the Minions on Facebook at Visit the website The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to Napoleon—the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he—alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little…

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