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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Promised Land – “Your cooperation is valuable”

Own Promised Land on Blu-ray & DVD January 13 – Order now! Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances MCDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like and easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected school teacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (John Krasinski), and Steve’s interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Promised Land — “More Complicated Than It Seems”

Own Promised Land on Blu-ray & DVD January 13 – Order now! Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances MCDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like and easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected school teacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (John Krasinski), and Steve’s interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Promised Land — “Let Some Other Guy Be The Last”

Own Promised Land on Blu-ray & DVD January 13 – Order now! Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances MCDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like and easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected school teacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (John Krasinski), and Steve’s interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Promised Land — “It’s My Birthday”

Own Promised Land on Blu-ray & DVD January 13 – Order now! Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances MCDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like and easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected school teacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (John Krasinski), and Steve’s interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising…

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Bande Annonce Universal Picture 

Promised Land — “How To Take Care Of Something”

Own Promised Land on Blu-ray & DVD January 13 – Order now! Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances MCDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like and easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected school teacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (John Krasinski), and Steve’s interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising…

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