Sci-Fi Short Film "Take Me To Your Influencer" | DUST | Online Premiere
An alien mistakes an influencer for the Leader of Earth, putting the fate of the planet in the hands its most popular teenage girl.
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An alien mistakes an influencer for the Leader of Earth, putting the fate of the planet in the hands its most popular teenage girl.
En lire plus -->Un petit coup de pouce pour que la chaîne subsiste : TIPEEE UTIP Près de deux jeunes sur trois avouent utiliser leur téléphone en roulant, Sandrine Rousseau s’interpose lors d’une bagarre sur la route à Paris, Fonds Marianne : des perquisitions en cours, Le leader du groupe Magic System diplômé de HEC Paris interprète ses tubes lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix, Des milliers de poissons asphyxiés aux Etats-Unis, Elle se réveille dans son cercueil… Voici le Zap Télé du 14 juin 2023 partie 1 !…
En lire plus -->Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App: A rebel leader in an archaic and religious world runs into her …
En lire plus -->Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App: The world’s first A.I. leader embarks on an enchanting …
En lire plus -->Minions have arrived on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD Order Now: Meet Kevin, Stuart & Bob. Since the dawn of time, Minions have served (and accidentally eliminated) history’s most despicable villains. After their latest explosive mistake leaves them without an evil leader, the Minions fall into a deep depression. With the tribe on the brink of collapse, three unlikely heroes—Kevin, Stuart, and Bob— embark on a journey to find a new big boss. When their quest leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill (Academy Award®-winner* Sandra…
En lire plus -->Available on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD November 16 with 3 New Mini Movies! Order Now: Meet Kevin, Stuart & Bob. Since the dawn of time, Minions have served (and accidentally eliminated) history’s most despicable villains. After their latest explosive mistake leaves them without an evil leader, the Minions fall into a deep depression. With the tribe on the brink of collapse, three unlikely heroes—Kevin, Stuart, and Bob— embark on a journey to find a new big boss. When their quest leads them to their next potential master,…
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